Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Class: Nine, Sub: English 2nd Paper

Class: Nine
Sub: English 2nd Paper
Time: 3 Hours                                                    Full marks: 100
Fill in the blanks with words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.. You may needs to use word more than once.              5
Self control is (a)____ the root of all virtues. Let (b)_____man give rein (C)_____his impulses and passion and (d)____ that moment he yields (e)____ his mural freedom. He is carried along (f)____ current of life and becomes (g)____salve of his strongest (h)____for the time being. To morally free, to be more than an animal (i)______man must be able to resist instinctive impulse and this can only by done by the (j)____of self control.
2.Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                         5
Every student wants(a)____. Do nell in the examination. But it is not(b)_____. Easy task. A student have to work hard (c)_____ This from the (d)___beginning. He must be serious. He should read the text again and (e)_______. He must not  memorized And answer (f)_____ knowing the meaning. He must not make Notes (g)_____ a common source. He should have a good command(h)_____ English, By doing all. (i)_____Things Student can hope to make (j)___ good result.
3. Make 5 sentences using part of sentences from each column of the table below.                                                                                         5
Hence, to every nation its flag
To have patriotic feelings
Every independent country of the world
Dearer than any other things
The symbol of independent and sovereign Of a nation
the national flag
It’s own flag. 

4.Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.                                                                                              5
It was late night when I (a)____for my home. While I (b)_____along the road it (c)____like an unknown Dhaka.Some boys.(d)____idle on the footpath. There (e)____ no busy traffic . As it is often (f) _____. During the day time. I(g)_____
. beside the neighbouring parks and (h)____long. Long breath.. Suddenly a police car is stopped before me and  (i)______what hI (j)______ there alone at such a late night.
5. Change the narrative style of the following test.                                  5
The stanger said to the boy.Will you tell me? The way to the nearest hotel?”Yes, I’ll ,do you want a residencial one in which you can spend the night? The boys said.. I do not want to stay here, but I only want I meal the Stringer replied the boy said, Follow me. 
6. Change the sentences, according to directions.                                     10
a.Cox Bazar is the longest sea beach in the world (positive) 
b.Everyone knows these( Interrogative)
c. Tihis sea beach is visited by the tourist from home and abroad. (Active)
d.They come here to enjoy them selves (complex)
e.It is one of the most amazing places in the world( Complex)
 f. How charming the scenery of cox’s bazzar? Assertive.  
g.The sea is wide open and it widens the hearts  of the visitors (simple)
h. Only the harsh people can avoid this beauty(Negative)
i.Since it is a famous tourist place. It’s condition should be developed (compounds)
j.our government  is going to take some steps to make it more attractive (Passive)
7.Complete the sentence.                                                                  5
a.A cobber was happy to_____
b. He had a neighbour having_____
c. He wanted to help him _____
d. ______ The Cobbler lost happiness.
e.Let’s make a garden_______ 
8.Complete the text, adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.                                                                   5
The scenes was (a)_____(beauty). Described. The(b)_____(music) was an old man. He was (c)____(beard). It was (d)____(origin) (e)____(think) to the audience . He charmese the audience who were (f)____(thnk) to him.Suddenly, some (g)______ (fore) entered the half. They seemed (h)_____ (mind) as the were (i)_____(aware) of the (j) _____ (joy atmosphere.  
9. Make type questions of these statements.                                                5 
a. Not all men joined the party,_____? 
b. Some went to the field and some came here, _____? 
c. The party ended without any success, _____?
d. The secretory and the chairman of the party remined sitting_____?
e. One but all of the members of looked for me_____?

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.                               5
Drug addiction a great social menace  has assumed an al ariming proportion in recent times. True that, it is now a world wide phenomenon needelss to say. It is  eating into the vistas talents, of the youths who (a)___the future hopes of the country. Actually the youths turn to these drugs out of frustrataion. (b)_____they want to escap from hard realities fan a short period, they choose this (c)_____. Sometimes they take the drug out of the fun (d)____it may come from parental neglect. Lonselinesss and pressure form friends e(e)______anyone is addicated to it. 
11. Use capitals and punctuation where necessary in the following text          5
Hello Marium, you look very, very hot and tired said nafees. I was stuck in the traffic jam. One Hour said Marium, sit down what would you like to drink said nafees. I would love really chilled menaral water or something like that said Marium .  
12. Suppose, Cambridge college a leading educational institutions in Dhaka City Invites applications for a senior computer operator. Imagine, you are Netai Chandra Debnath working in a NGO in Senior Section. You are interested in this position. Now write in CV with a cover letter for the post.Your CV should not exceed one page?                                         8
13. Write an application to the headmaster of your school seeking his permission to go on a study tour.
Write an email requesting your headmaster to increase the facilities in common room.                                                                                 10
14. Corruption is a curse. Write a paragraph in 250 words on “Corruption”                  
15. Write composition on ” a journey by train”.                                     12

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